It's never too late....



No, of course not. This is another of those clichés that are fashionable at the moment, do an internet search and find out. These clichés tend to get a life of their own. No-one really knows where they originate, but somehow they catch on. They give us the illusion that we can control our lives and what happens to us. Sometimes they help. Often they don't.

Sometimes it really is too late.

Life can change at the drop of a hat, for so many reasons that you cannot control. Sickness, accident, disability, even old age are often reasons for being too late. Too late to recover, too late to save, just simply too late. In the words of Deanna Wadsworth:

“Four things you can't recover:
The stone after the throw,
The word after it's said,
The occasion after it's missed,
The time after it's gone.”

So, if you want to do something, do it now. Because it does get too late.

It takes guts, perseverance, time and focus. Look around and see what there is. Think about what you can and what you want. Often you have to start where you can and see what unfolds towards what you want. Along the way you might find out that what you thought you wanted wasn't IT, what you had dreamed and hoped for. Start again. There is never just one path or one horizon, in the same way that there is never one dream. Think in terms of what is possible,  what is available.

There is no such thing as a free ride - another cliché, this time though it's important to consider what you are leaving behind, what sacrifices you are prepared to make, as well as asking those around you what sacrifices they are prepared to make. Remember that whatever you want affects other people, and what they want. You need someone to fight in your corner, check with them if they are there to see you through, you will need them.

You never get anywhere unless you are prepared. Make sure you have your ticket before you board the train, that you have enough baggage with you to make sure you have a good ride, if nothing else to start you off. You'll meet other passengers on the way, you'll like some and dislike others, some will try to kick you off the train, even while it's running. You might want to stop off every now and then, take a break or just enjoy the scenery.

Positive thinking does not help you find water in the desert, knowing how to find it does. Just wishing you could find it will definitely make you too late.



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