The pursuit of Happiness

 We could never learn to be brave and patient, if there were only joy in the world. Helen Keller

We all pursue happiness. It would be quite depressing if we didn't. Just imagine a life with no chance of ever achieving any kind of happiness. Mind you, right now, there are plenty of people in the world whose chance of what we define as happiness is pretty grim. Still. We carry on as human beings hoping in a better world.

Those of us who are fortunate enough to have the means to achieve some sort of happiness (I mean peace, a social support system, some kind of financial security and a means of earning a living) quite often think it necessary to go and look for it. To do so we/they leave everything behind. "The Hero's Journey" beckons.

The thing is, it isn't "out there". It's "in here".

It is absolutely true that there are situations you do not want to continue. Too many to list, and I would think that anyone reading this can conjure up images, perhaps even memories of what those situations might be. But it is also true that everywhere you look to find happiness you will encounter yourself at each turn. It isn't by looking for happiness that you will find it, it's by working at it that you just might. Treasure it when it comes to you, it will have to last until the next fleeting moment of happiness, whenever that might be.


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