Follow your dream

 We have been bombarded with "Follow your dream" for years. For a long time you were expected to have one. Often it matured in mid-life, when many seemed to abandon chosen paths for new ones, reinvented themselves, bought Harley Davidsons or VW vans and decided to tour the world. Childhood dreams that finally came to becoming reality.

Very often we discovered that the beauty of the dream lay in having the dream, not in it becoming reality. Know what you wish for, and that kind of stuff.

We now seem to be living in an age where it is only okay for some people to have a dream, and abandon everything to try and make it a reality. If you are trying to escape from war by crossing the Mediterranean it is not okay to have a dream, and the place you dreamed would give you refuge and security turns out to be just another hell hole.

So yes, know what you wish for.



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